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Executive search for Supply Chain, Procurement & Operations

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Consumer Goods

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Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology

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Businesses need agile, quick-thinking and highly experienced individuals to drive growth and safeguard margins. Access to talent within the FMCG market could not be more critical.
We understand the dynamic nature of life sciences recruitment. The changing landscape of this global sector forces organisations to be at the forefront of innovation.
Globalisation, automation, IoT, robotics… The challenges and complexities that manufacturers face is critically dependent on the depth and type of talent that secures their future.

Latest Insights

Remote working in a post-pandemic world

The pandemic has caused major disruption to our working lives as quarantines, lockdowns, and self-imposed isolation have forced millions of people around the world to work remotely. The virus has managed to break through cultural and technological barriers that...

How have priorities shifted for CPOs ‘post’ Covid-19?

Procurement teams and their scope have changed considerably in the past decade into a highly complex function capable of harnessing the talents of the right people with the appropriate skill. Undoubtedly only the businesses with agility and flexibility have been able...

Supply Chain Talent Crisis

In a recent survey, more than 350 supply chain professionals across 5 continents reported that there is a major (and growing) talent crisis within supply chain. In what is a rapidly evolving function across all industry sectors, this will affect sales and...

Is your procurement function fit for purpose?

Those having been working in or around Procurement for some time has seen the gradual transformation; the ‘best in class’ have moved from a cost reduction function to one that now has the potential to generate a sustainable competitive advantage. Historically, driving...

‘A seat at the table’ – the ongoing procurement dilemma

Getting a seat at the table is industry code for the debate on whether procurement and supply chain managers should have a seat at board level to gain acknowledgement and respect….

Sustainable sourcing and procurement – 4 companies that are leading the way

External pressures to enhance sustainable sourcing is an ever increasing pressure on businesses, no matter the industry. Customers are demanding ever more environmentally acceptable and sustainable products and suppliers to…

Automation in logistics – why are companies hesitating to invest?

A growing shortage of labour, an explosion in demand from online retailers, and new technological advances; automation seems to be the answer to these three issues that logistics companies face….

UK based with an international reach

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